
Caracol, Santa Rita Corozal, Tayasal and Other Archaeological Publications

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Arlen and Diane Chase

Ph.D. Dissertations:

Chase, Adrian S.Z.

[PDF] 2021 Urban Life at Caracol, Belize: Neighborhoods, Inequality, Infrastructure, and Governance, School of Human Evolution and Social Change, Arizona State University, Tempe.

Chase, Arlen F.

[PDF] 1983 A Contextual Consideration of the Tayasal-Paxcaman Zone, El Peten, Guatemala, Department of Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.

Chase, Diane Z.

[PDF] 1982 Spatial and Temporal Variability in Postclassic Northern Belize, Department of Anthropology, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.

Books and Monographs:

Chase, Adrian S.Z., Diane Z. Chase, and Arlen F. Chase

2024 Ancient Mesoamerican Population History: Urbanism, Social Complexity, and Change, University of Arizona Press, Tucson.

Chase, Arlen F. and Diane Z. Chase

[PDF] 1987 Investigations at the Classic Maya City of Caracol, Belize: 1985-1987, Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute Monograph 3, San Francisco. in prep. Maya Archaeology: Reconstructing an Ancient Civilization, University of Oklahoma Press, Norman.

Chase, Arlen F., Diane Z. Chase, and Adrian S.Z. Chase

in prep. Maya Archaeology and Caracol, Belize: Reconstructing an Ancient Civilization, University of Oklahoma Press, Norman.

Chase, Arlen F. and Prudence M. Rice

1985 The Lowland Maya Postclassic. University of Texas Press, Austin.

Chase, Arlen F. and Vernon L. Scarborough

2014 The Resilience and Vulnerability of Ancient Landscapes: Transforming Maya Archaeology through IHOPE, AP3A Paper 24(1), American Anthropological Association, Arlington, VA.

Chase, Diane Z. and Arlen F. Chase

[PDF]1988 A Postclassic Perspective: Excavations at the Maya Site of Santa Rita Corozal, Belize, Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute Monograph 4, San Francisco.

1992, 1994, 2003 Eds., Mesoamerican Elites: An Archaeological Assessment, University of Oklahoma Press, Norman.

1994 Eds., Studies in the Archaeology of Caracol, Belize, Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute Monograph 7, San Francisco.

Freidel, David A., Arlen F. Chase, Anne S. Dowd, and Jerry Murdock

2017 Maya E Groups: Calendars, Astronomy, and Urbanism in the Early Lowlands. University Press of Florida, Gainesville.

2024 The Materialization of Time in the Ancient Maya World: Mythic History and Ritual Order. University Press of Florida, Gainesville.

Small Monographs:

Chase, Arlen F. and Diane Z. Chase

[PDF English][PDF Spanish] 1983 La Ceramica de la Zona Tayasal-Paxcaman, Lago Peten Itza, Guatemala distributed by The University Museum, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia (separately bound).

[PDF] 1987 Glimmers of a Forgotten Realm: Maya Archaeology at Caracol, Belize, University of Central Florida, Orlando (separately bound publication).

Chase, Diane Z. and Arlen F. Chase

[PDF]1986 Offerings to the Gods: Maya Archaeology at Santa Rita Corozal, University of Central Florida, Orlando (separately bound publication).

Articles and Book Chapters:

Arnauld, M. Charlotte, Tsubasa Okoshi, Arlen F. Chase, Philippe Nondedo

[PDF] 2021 “Changes in Maya Rulership at the End of the Classic Period: An Introduction,” in T. Okoshi, A.F. Chase, P. Nonedeo, and M.C. Arnauld, Eds., Maya Kingship: Rupture and Transformation from Classic to Postclassic Times, pp. 1-17. University Press of Florida, Gainesville.

Awe, Jaime J., Jorge Can, Arlen F. Chase, and Diane Z. Chase

[PDF] 2020 “Archaeological Investigations and Conservation at Santa Rita Corozal: Results of the 2012-2013 Belize Institute of Archaeology Project,” Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology 17: 153-165.

Ballay, Joseph M.

[PDF] 1994 “Emergence of an Architectural Style on Caana,” in D. Chase and A. Chase, Eds., Studies in the Archaeology of Caracol, Belize, pp. 40-46, PARI, San Francisco.

Chase, Adrian S. Z.

[PDF] 2016 “Beyond Elite Control: Residential Reservoirs at Caracol, Belize,” WIREs Water 3:885-897.  doi: 10.1002/wat2.1171

[PDF] 2016 “Districting and Urban Services at Caracol, Belize: Intra-Site Boundaries in an Evolving Maya Cityscape,” Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology 13: 15-28.

[PDF] 2017 “Residential inequality among the Ancient Maya: Operationalizing Household Architectural Volume at Caracol, Belize,” Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology 14: 31-39.

[PDF] 2019 “Water Management Among the Ancient Maya: Degrees of Latitude,” Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology 16: 101-109.

[PDF] 2023 “Reconstructing and Testing Neighborhoods at the Maya city of Caracol, Belize.” Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 70: 101514.

[PDF] 2023 “Urban Planning at Caracol, Belize: Governance, Residential Autonomy, and Heterarchical Management through Time.” in Damien Marken and Charlotte Arnauld, Eds., Building an Archaeology of Maya Urbanism: Planning and Flexibility in the American Tropics, pp. 349-376. University Press of Colorado, Denver.

[PDF] 2023 “Transformation, Growth, and Governance at Caracol, Belize.” Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology 18: 19-30.

[PDF] 2024 “Urban Levels at Caracol, Belize: Understanding Social Relationships at the Plazuela, the Neighborhood, the District, and the City Levels.” in Gabriella Cervantes Quequezana and John P. walden, Eds., Socio-political Integration of Ancient Neighborhoods, pp. 137-155. University of Pittsburg Center for Comparative Archaeology Press, Pittsburgh.

Chase, Adrian S. Z. and Rudolf Cesaretti

[PDF] 2019 “Diversity in Ancient Maya Water Management Strategies and Landscapes at Caracol, Belize and Tikal, Guatemala,” WIREs Water 6(2): e1332

Chase, Adrian S. Z. and Aubrey M. Z. Chase

[PDF] 2015 “Ceramic Standardization and the Domestic Economy of the Ancient Maya: Belize Red Tripod Plates at Caracol, Belize,” Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology 12: 65-76.

Chase, Adrian S. Z., Diane Z. Chase, and Arlen F. Chase

[PDF] 2017 “LiDAR for Archaeological Research and the Study of Historical Landscapes,” in N. Masini and F. Soldovieri, Eds., Sensing the Past: Geoscience and Sensing Technologies for Cultural Heritage, pp. 89-100, Springer, New York.

[PDF] 2018 “Situating Preclassic Interments and Fire-Pits at Santa Rita Corozal, Belize,” Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology 15: 159-167.

[PDF] 2020 “Ethics, New Colonialism, and Lidar Data: A Decade of Lidar in Maya Archaeology,” Journal of Computer Applications in Archaeology 3(1), pp. 51-62. DOI:

Chase, Adrian S.Z., Elyse D.Z. Chase, Diane Z. Chase, and Arlen F. Chase

[PDF] 2024 “Population History for Caracol, Belize: Numbers, Complexity, and Urbanism.” in A.S.Z. Chase, A.F. Chase, and D.Z. Chase, Eds. Ancient Mesoamerican Population History: Urbanism, Social Complexity, and Change, pp. 67-88. University of Arizona Press, Tucson.

Chase, Adrian S. Z., April Kamp-Whittaker, and Matthew A. Peebles

[PDF] 2024 “Archaeologies of People and Space: Social Network Analysis of Communities and Neighborhoods in Spatial Context,” Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 75, 101607.

Chase, Adrian S.Z. and Jose Lobo

[PDF] 2024 “Towards Urban Archaeology? The Future of Mesoamerican Settlement Archaeology and Urban Science.” in A.S.Z. Chase, A.F. Chase, and D.Z. Chase, Eds. Ancient Mesoamerican Population History: Urbanism, Social Complexity, and Change, pp. 389-402. University of Arizona Press, Tucson.

Chase, Adrian S. Z. and Jonathan Paige

[PDF] 2020 “Local Chert Reduction, Maintenance, and Toolmaking: Terminal Classic Chert Use at Nohmul, Belize,” Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology 17: 67-79.

Chase, Adrian S. Z. , Amy E. Thompson, John P. Walden, and Gary M. Feinman

[PDF] 2023 “Understanding and Calculating Household Size, Wealth, and Inequality in the Maya Lowlands,” Ancient Mesoamerica 34, e1, 1-20.

Chase, Adrian S. Z. and John F. Weishampel

[PDF] 2016 “Water Capture and Agricultural Terracing at Caracol, Belize as revealed through Lidar and GIS,” Advances in Archaeological Practice 4(3): 357-370.

Chase, Arlen F.

[PDF] 1976 “Topoxte and Tayasal: Ethnohistory in Archaeology,” American Antiquity 41(2):154-167.

[PDF] 1979 “Regional Development in the Tayasal Paxcaman Zone, El Peten, Guatemala: A Preliminary Statement,” Ceramica de Cultura Maya 11: 86-119.

[PDF] 1982 “Con Manos Arriba: Tayasal and Archaeology,” American Antiquity 47(1):167-171.

[PDF] 1984 “The Ceramic Complexes of the Tayasal-Paxcaman Zone, Lake Peten, Guatemala,” Ceramica de Cultura Maya 13:27-41.

[PDF] 1985 “Archaeology in the Maya Heartland: The Tayasal-Paxcaman Zone, Lake Peten, Guatemala,” Archaeology 38(1):32-39.

[PDF] 1985 “Contextual Implications of Pictorial Vases from Tayasal, Peten,” in M.G. Robertson and E. Benson, Eds., Fourth Palenque Round Table, 1980, Vol. VI, pp. 193-201, Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, San Francisco.

[PDF] 1985 “Troubled Times: The Archaeology and Iconography of the Terminal Classic Southern Lowland Maya,” in M.G. Robertson and V.M. Fields, Eds., Fifth Palenque Round Table, 1983, Vol. VII, pp. 103-114, Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, San Francisco.

[PDF] 1985 “Postclassic Peten Interaction Spheres: The View from Tayasal,” in A. Chase and P. Rice, Eds., The Lowland Maya Postclassic, pp. 184-205, University of Texas Press, Austin.

[PDF] 1986 “Time Depth or Vacuum: The Correlation and the Lowland Maya Postclassic,” in J.A. Sabloff and E.W. Andrews V, Eds., Late Lowland Maya Civilization: Classic to Postclassic Postclassic, pp. 99-140, University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque.

[PDF] 1988 “Jungle Surveying: Mapping the Archaeological Site of Caracol, Belize,” P.O.B. (Point of Beginning) 13(3):10-12,14,16,18,22,24.

[PDF] 1990 “Maya Archaeology and Population Estimates in the Tayasal Paxcaman Zone, Peten,Guatemala,” in T.P. Culbert and D.S. Rice, Eds.,Prehistoric Population History in the Maya Lowlands, pp. 149-165, University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque.

[PDF] 1991 “Cycles of Time: Caracol in the Maya Realm,” with an appendix on “Caracol ‘Altar 21′” by Stephen Houston, in M.G. Robertson, Ed., Sixth Palenque Round Table, 1986, Vol. VII, pp. 32-42, University of Oklahoma Press, Norman.

[PDF] 1992 “Elites and the Changing Organization of Classic Maya Society,” in D. Z. Chase and A. F. Chase, Eds., Mesoamerican Elites: An Archaeological Assessment, pp. 30-49, University of Oklahoma Press, Norman (reprinted 1994).

[PDF] 1994 “A Contextual Approach to the Ceramics of Caracol, Belize,” in D. Chase and A. Chase, Eds., Studies in the Archaeology of Caracol, Belize, pp. 157-182, Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute Monograph 7, San Francisco. 1996 “Mesoamerica, Prehistory and Early History of: Classic Period in Mesoamerica,” in B Fagan, Ed., The Oxford Companion to Archaeology, pp.445-447, Oxford Press, New York.

[PDF] 1998 “Planacion Civica e Integracion de Sitio en Caracol, Belize: Definiendo una Economia Administrada del Periodo Clasico Maya,” Los Investigadores de la Cultura Maya 6(1):26-44, Universidad Autonoma de Campeche, Campeche.

[PDF] 2004 “Polities, Politics, and Social Dynamics: “Contextualizing” the Archaeology of the Belize Valley and Caracol,” in J. Garber, Ed., The Archaeology of the Belize Valley: Half a Century Later, pp. 320-334, University Press of Florida, Gainesville.

[PDF] 2020 “Contextualizing the Archaeology of Pacbitun, Belize: An Epilogue,” in T.G. Powis, S. Skaggs, and G.J. Micheletti, Eds., An Archaeological Reconstruction of Ancient Maya Life at Pacbitun, Belize, pp. 201-204, British Archaeological Reports (Archaeology of the Maya), Oxford, England.

[PDF] 2021 “The Summer of 1972: Fifty Years Before Covid,” In M Saunders and P. Voelkel, Eds., Maya Archaeology: Tales From the Field, pp. 166-174, Precolumbia Mesoweb Press, San Francisco.

Chase, Arlen F. and Diane Z. Chase

[PDF] 1980 “Major Find From Maya Area Unearthed,” The New Belize, 10(8): 2-3.

[PDF] 1981 “Archaeological Investigations at Nohmul and Santa Rita, Belize: 1979-1980,” Mexicon, 3(3): 42-44. —– REPRINTED in: Belizean Studies 11(3):23-27, 1983.

[PDF] 1983 “Intensive Gardening Among the Late Classic Maya: A Possible Example from Guatemala,” Expedition 25(35):2-11.

[PDF] 1985 “Postclassic Temporal and Spatial Frames for the Lowland Maya: A Background,” in A. Chase and P. Rice, Eds., The Lowland Maya Postclassic, pp. 9-22, University of Texas Press, Austin.

[PDF] 1986 “Caracol: Belize’s National Treasure,” The New Belize XVI(12): 15-16.

[PDF] 1987 “Putting Together the Pieces: Maya Pottery of Northern Belize and Central Peten, Guatemala, in P.M. Rice and R.J. Sharer, Eds., Maya Ceramics, pp. 47 72, B.A.R. International Series 345(i), Oxford. —– PORTIONS REPRINTED in Belize Currents 14:7-9, 1993.

[PDF] 1989 “The Investigation of Classic Period Maya Warfare at Caracol, Belize,” Mayab 5: 5-18.

[PDF] 1990 “Los Sistemas Mayas de Subsistencia y Patron de Asentamiento: Pasado y Futuro,” in L. Yanez-Barnuevo Garcia and A. Ciudad Ruiz, Eds., Los Mayas: El Esplendor de Una Civilizacion, pp. 38-48, Sociedad Estatal Quinto Centenario, Turner Libros, S.A., Madrid.

[PDF] 1990 “The Caracol Project 1990,” Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute Newsletter (September).

[PDF] 1991 “Caracol,” Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute Newsletter 14:3-4 (December).

[PDF] 1991 “Mixing Archaeology and Touristic Development at Caracol,” Belize Today 5(5): 12-13. —– PORTIONS REPRINTED in Emphasis, Spring 1993, p. 2.

[PDF] 1992 “Mesoamerican Elites: Assumptions, Definitions, and Models,” in D.Z. Chase and A.F. Chase, Eds., Mesoamerican Elites: An Archaeological Assessment, pp. 3-17, University of Oklahoma Press, Norman (reprinted 1994).

[PDF] 1992 “El Norte y el Sur: Politica, Dominios, y Evolucion Cultural Maya,”Mayab 8:134-149.

[PDF] 1993 “Tombs and Texts: New Discoveries at Caracol,” Belize Today7(6/7):46-49.

[PDF] 1993 “Tourists, Tombs, and Trash: The 1993 Field Season at Caracol,” Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute Newsletter (September).

[PDF] 1994 “Maya Veneration of the Dead at Caracol, Belize,” in Merle Robertson and Virginia Fields, Eds., Seventh Palenque Round Table, 1989, pp. 55-62, Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, San Francisco.

[PDF] 1994 “Details in the Archaeology of Caracol, Belize: An Introduction,” in D. Chase and A. Chase, Eds., Studies in the Archaeology of Caracol, Belize, pp. 1-11, Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute Monograph 7, San Francisco.

[PDF]1994 “Over Hill and Dale: Caracol 1994,” Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute Newsletter 19:3 (October).

[PDF] 1995 “External Impetus, Internal Synthesis, and Standardization: E Group Assemblages and the Crystalization of Classic Maya Society in the Southern Lowlands,” in N. Grube, Ed., The Emergence of Lowland Maya Civilization: The Transition from the Preclassic to Early Classic, pp. 87-101, Acta Mesoamericana No. 8, Berlin.

[PDF]ext1995 “Terraces, Tunnels, and Transects: The Caracol Project 1995,” Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute Newsletter 21:5-6 (December).

1996 “Caracol,” in B.A. Tanenbaum, Ed., Enyclopedia of Latin American History, Charles Scribner’s Sons.

[PDF] 1996 “The Organization and Composition of Classic Lowland Maya Society: The View from Caracol, Belize,” in Merle Robertson, Martha Macri, and Jan McHargue, Eds., Eighth Palenque Round Table, 1993, pp. 213-222, Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute, San Francisco.

[PDF] 1996 “The Causeways of Caracol,” Belize Today 10(3/4):31-32.

[PDF] 1996 “A Mighty Maya Nation: How Caracol Built an Empire by Cultivating its ‘Middle Class,'” Archaeology 49(5):66-72.

—–REPRINTED in P.A. Young and Editors of Archaeology Magazine, Secrets of the Maya, pp. 42-47, Hatherleigh Press, New York, 2003.

—– REPRINTED in P.B. Goodwin, Ed., Global Studies: Latin America, 8th Edition, pp. 167-171, Duskin/McGraw-Hill Publishing, Guilford (CT), 1998.

[PDF] 1996 “More than Kin and King: Centralized Political Organization Among the Ancient Maya,” Current Anthropology 37(5):803-810.

[PDF] 1996 “Caracol,” in J.Turner, Ed., The Dictionary of Art Vol.5,p. 696, MacMillan Publishers Limited, London.

[PDF]1997 “Caracol: The Thirteenth Tun 1997 Season, Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute Newsletter 23: 2-3.

1998 “Termini, Test Excavations, and Surprises: The 1998 Field Season at Caracol, Belize, Pre-Columbian Art Research Institute Newsletter 26: 7-8.

[PDF] 1998 “Late Classic Maya Political Structure, Polity Size, and Warfare Arenas,” in A. ciudad Ruiz et al., Eds., Anatomia de Una Civilizacion: Aproximaciones Interdisciplinareias a la Cultura Maya, pp. 11-29, Sociedad Espanola de Estudios Mayas, Madrid.

[PDF] 1998 “Scale and Intensity in Classic Period Maya Agriculture: Terracing and Settlement at the ‘Garden City’ of Caracol, Belize,” Culture and Agriculture 20(2):60-77.

[PDF] 1999 “Hallowed Fire in Caracol,” Mundo Maya 7(20):39-46.

[PDF] 2000 “Sixth Century Change and Variation in the Southern Maya Lowlands: Integration and Disbursement at Caracol, Belize” in Joel D. Gunn, Ed., The Years Without Summer: Tracing A.D. 536 and it’s Aftermath, pp. 55-65, BAR International Series 872, Archaeopress, Oxford, England.

[PDF] 2001 “Caracol,” in Susan T. Evans and David L. Webster, Eds., The Archaeology of ancient Mexico and Central America: An Encyclopedia, pp. 96-97, Garland Publishing Inc., New York.

[PDF] 2001 “The Royal Court of Caracol, Belize: Its Palaces and People,” in Takeshi Inomata and Stephen D. Houston, Eds., Royal Courts of the Ancient Maya: Volume 2: Data and Case Studies pp. 102-137, Westview Press, Boulder.

[PDF] 2001 “Caracol,” in W. Fash, Ed., The Oxford Encyclopedia of Mesoamerican Cultures, Vol. 1, pp. 143-145, Oxford University Press, Oxford.

[PDF] 2001 “Ancient Maya Causeways and Site Organization at Caracol, Belize,” Ancient Mesoamerica 12(2):273-281.

[PDF] 2003 “Minor Centers, Complexity, and Scale in Lowland Maya Settlement Archaeology,” in Gyles Iannone and Samuel V. Connell, Eds.,Perspectives on Ancient Maya Rural Complexity, pp. 108-118, Monograph 49, Cotsen Insitute of Archaeology at UCLA, Los Angeles.

[PDF] 2004 “Terminal Classic Status-Linked Ceramics and the Maya ‘Collapse:’De Facto Refuse at Caracol, Belize,” in A. Demarest, P. Rice, and D. Rice, Eds., The Terminal Classic in the Maya Lowlands: Collapse, Transition, and Transformation, pp. 342-366, University of Colorado Press, Boulder.

[PDF] 2004 “Exploring Ancient Economic Relationships at Caracol, Belize,”Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology 1:115-127.

ArqueologiaColor [PDF] 2004 “Un Katun de Investigaciones en Caracol, Belice,” Arqueologia Mexicana 11(66): 44-51.

[PDF] 2005 “The Early Classic Period at Caracol, Belize: Transitions, Complexity, and Methodological Issues in Maya Archaeology,” Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology 2: 17-65.

[PDF] 2005 “Contextualizing the Collapse: Terminal Classic Ceramics from Caracol, Belize,” in C. Varella and A. Foias, Eds., Geographies of Power: Understanding the Nature of Terminal Classic Pottery in the Maya Lowlands, pp. 73-91, BAR Monograph Series, Oxford.

[PDF] 2006 “En Medio de la nada, en el centro del universo: Perspectivas sobre el desarrollo de las ciudades Mayas,” in M.J. Iglesias Ponce de Leon, R. Valencia Rivera, and A. Ciudad Ruiz, Eds., Nuevas Ciudades, Nuevas Patrias: Fundacion y Relocalizacion de Ciudades en Mesoamerica y el Mediterraneo Antiguo , pp. 39-64, Publicacion 8, Sociedad Espanola de Estudios Mayas, Madrid.

[PDF] 2006 “Before the Boom: Caracol’s Preclassic Era,” Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology 3: 41-67.

[PDF] 2007 “’This is the End:’ Archaeological Transitions and the Terminal Classic Period at Caracol, Belize,” Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology4:13-27.

[PDF] 2007 “Ancient Maya Urban Development: Insights from the Archaeology of Caracol, Belize,” Journal of Belizean Studies 29(2):60-71.

[PDF] 2008 “Methodological Issues in the Archaeological Identification of the Terminal Classic and Postclassic Transition in the Maya Area,” Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology 5:23-36.

[PDF] 2009 “Symbolic Egalitarianism and Homogenized Distributions in the Archaeological Record at Caracol, Belize: Method, Theory, and Complexity,”Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology 6:15-24.

[PDF] 2010 “The Context of Ritual: Examining the Archaeological Record at Caracol, Belize,” Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology 7:3-15.

[PDF] 2011 “Status and Power: Caracol, Teotihuacan, and the Early Classic Maya World,” Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology 8:3-18.

[PDF] 2012 “Complex Societies in the Southern Maya Lowlands: Their Development and Florescence in the Archaeological Record,” in D.L. Nichols and C.A. Pool, Eds., Oxford Handbook of Mesoamerican Archaeology pp. 255-267, Oxford University Press, New York.

[PDF] 2012 “Belize Red Ceramics and their Implications for Trade and Exchange in the Eastern Maya Lowlands,” Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology 9:3-14.

[PDF] 2013 “Interpreting Form and Context: Ceramic Subcomplexes at Caracol, Nohmul, and Santa Rita Corozal, Belize,” in J. Aimers, Eds., Ancient Maya Pottery: Classification, Analysis, and Interpretation pp. 46-73, University Press of Florida, Gainesville.

[PDF] 2013 “Temporal Cycles in the Archaeology of Maya Residential Groups from Caracol, Belize,” Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology 10:13-24.

[PDF] 2014 “Ancient Maya Houses, Households, and Residential Groups at Caracol, Belize,” Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology 11:3-17.

[PDF] 2015 “A New Terminal Classic Carved Altar from Caracol, Belize,” Mexicon 37(2):47-49.

[PDF] 2015 “The Domestic Economy of Caracol, Belize: Articulating with the Institutional Economy in an Ancient Maya Urban Setting,” Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology 12: 15-23.

[PDF] 2016 “The Ancient Maya City: Anthropogenic Landscapes, Settlement Archaeology, and Caracol, Belize,” Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology 13: 3-14.

[PDF] 2016 “Urbanism and Anthropogenic Landscapes,” Annual Review of Anthropology 45 361-376. DOI: 10.1146/annurev-anthro-102215-095852.

[PDF] 2017 “Ancient Maya Architecture and Spatial Layouts: Contextualizing Caana at Caaracol, Belize,” Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology 14: 13-22.

[PDF] 2017 “E Groups and the Rise of Complexity in the Southeastern Maya Lowlands,” in D. Freidel, A. Chase, A. Dowd, and J. Murdock, Eds., Maya E Groups: Calendars, Astronomy, and Urbanism in the Early Lowlands, pp. 31-71, University of Florida Press, Gainesville.

[PDF] 2017 “Detection of Maya Ruins by LiDAR: Applications, Case Study, and Issues” in N. Masini and F. Soldovieri, Eds., Sensing the Past: Geoscience and Sensing Technologies for Cultural Heritage, pp. 455-468, Springer, New York.

[PDF] 2018 “Sampling and Timeframes: Contextualizaing the Protoclassic and Early Classic Periods at Caracol, Belize,” Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology 15: 3-15.

[PDF] 2019 “El Origin del Mundo Maya: Las Raices Preclasicas,” Desperta Ferro – Arqueologia e Historia 23: 12-17.

[PDF] 2019 “Central Belize and the Development of Maya Archaeology: A Critical Assessment,” Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology 16: 3-19.

[PDF] 2020 “Monumental Landscapes of the Maya: Cogitating on a Past Built Environment,” in B.A. Houk, B. Arroyo, and T.G. Powis, Eds., Approaches to Monumental Landscapes of the Ancient Maya, pp. 335-348. University Press of Florida, Gainesville.

[PDF] 2020 “The Materialization of Classic Period Maya Warfare: Caracol Stranger-Kings at Tikal,” in Travis W. Stanton and M. Kathryn Brown, Eds., A Forest of History: The Maya after the Emergence of Divine Kingship, pp. 20-48, University Press of Colorado, Boulder.

[PDF] 2020 “Final Moments: Contextualizing On-Floor Archaeological Materials from Caracol, Belize,” Ancient Mesoamerica 31(1): 77-87.

[PDF] 2020 “Life at the Edge of the Maya World: Late Classic Period Ceramics from Burials and Caches at Santa Rita Corozal, Belize,” Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology 17: 33-44.

[PDF] 2021 “The Transformation of Maya Rulership at Caracol, Belize” in T. Okoshi, A.F. Chase, P. Nonedeo, and M.C. Arnauld, Eds., Maya Kingship: Rupture and Transformation from Classic to Postclassic Times, pp. 224-245. University Press of Florida, Gainesville.

[PDF] 2023 “Transitions and Transformations in Ancient Civilizations: Interpreting Change and Realignment Between Temporal Periods in the Maya Archaeological Record,” Research Reports in Belizean Archaeology 18: 3-18.

Chase, Arlen F., Charlotte Arnauld, Diane Z. Chase, Philippe Nondedeo, and Tsubasa Okoshi

[PDF] 2021 “The Rupture and Transformation of Maya Kingship: An Epilogue,”in T. Okoshi, A.F. Chase, P. Nonedeo, and M.C. Arnauld, Eds., Maya Kingship: Rupture and Transformation from Classic to Postclassic Times, pp. 349-356. University Press of Florida, Gainesville.

Chase, Arlen F., Diane Z. Chase, Jaime J. Awe, John F. Weishampel, Gyles Iannone, Holley Moyes, Jason Yaeger, and M. Kathryn Brown

[PDF] 2014 “The Use of LiDAR in Understanding the Ancient Maya Landscape: Caracol and Western Belize,” Advances in Archaeological Practice 2(3):147-160.

Chase, Arlen F., Diane Z. Chase, Jaime J. Awe, John F. Weishampel, Gyles Iannone, Holley Moyes, Jason Yaeger, and M. Kathryn Brown, Ramesh L. Shrestha, William E. Carter, and Juan Fernandez Diaz

[PDF] 2014 “Ancient Maya Regional Settlement and Inter-Site Analysis: The 2013 West-Central Belize LiDAR Survey,” Remote Sensing 6(9): 8671-8695.

Chase, Arlen F., Diane Z. Chase, and Adrian S.Z. Chase

[PDF] 2020 “The Maya City of Caracol, Belize: The Integration of an Anthropogenic Landscape,” in S.R. Hutson and T. Ardren, Eds., The Maya World, pp. 344-363. Routledge, London.

[PDF] 2022 “Caracol, Belize, and Tikal, Guatemala: Ancient Maya Human-Nature Relationships in Their Sociopolitical Context,” in J.T. Larmon, L.L. Lucero, and F. Valdez Jr., Eds., Maya Sustainability and Water Management in the Maya World and Beyondpp. 143-170. University Press of Colorado, Lewisville.

[PDF] 2024 “Archaeological Population Studies in Mesoamerica.” in A.S.Z. Chase, A.F. Chase, and D.Z. Chase, Eds. Ancient Mesoamerican Population History: Urbanism, Social Complexity, and Change, pp. 5-41. University of Arizona Press, Tucson.

Chase, Arlen F., Diane Z. Chase, and Rafael Cobos

[PDF] 2008 “Jeroglificos y Arqueologia Maya: Colusion o Colision,” Mayab 20:5-21.

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