Week 6 (March 4 – March 10, 2013)

This week went far faster than usual, probably because everyone was busy trying to finish excavations and processing. The final burial in Bimbo was opened on Monday and proved to be Early Classic in date; only the lower legs and a basal flange bowl were present within the excavation unit. It was decided not to try to expose the rest of this deeply buried deposit. The lower tomb in Bimbo (fully located in the excavation unit) took the entire week to excavate and draw, finally being finished at the end of the day on Friday. On Saturday, all of the excavation sections were finished. Most of the men spent the week backfilling our open excavations – and everything on the Machete Plateau was backfilled by mid-day Saturday. Only the A Plaza excavation in front of Structure A6 remained open. This excavation was dug on axis to the eastern platform of Caracol’s E Group in order to determine whether or not there were any bedrock special deposits. There were not; however, the plaza floors were literally bedded on 2 m of sterile, deep red bedrock soil that had presumably been deposited in antiquity. Laboratory work progressed all week. All of the ceramic material was washed and most of the numbering was done. The human skeletal material was cleaned and washed – and filled many screens. Visitors this week included fellow archaeologists Stephen Brandt (Florida) and Elizabeth Hildebrand (Stonybrook) as well as the Director and a large contingent from the Science Museum of Minnesota (with whom we have been working for almost 2 years in order to mount a major Maya exhibit that will open in Minneapolis in June 2013). Last week we also spent two days with a South Korean group that is developing a television special on the Maya. We also had our traditional Baron Bliss barbeque on Sunday.

Skeletal Analysis


Waterlily Dish


Carved Dog Mandible


Structure A6 Bedrock Excavation


Bimbo Burial with Basal Flange Bowl


Backfilling Bimbo

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